I have been trying to sort out what organization within the DoD is the actual “DoD CERT”. Â Since the DoD changes so frequently in organizational structure in an attempt to satiate new heads of agencies and keep up with rapidly changing threats and socio-economic structures, its hard to follow the nuances even if you are IN the DoD.
Here is what I came up with, its no globalsecurity.org, but here is my take on it from an IT security/Risk Management perspective.
According to Air University (au.af.mil), the DoD Joint Task Force – Global Network Operations (JTF-GNO) used to be called DoD Computer Emergency Response Team (DOD CERT).  Actually, back when JTF-GNO was still called JTF Computer Network Operations (JTF-CNO), it had a division that was DoD CERT.

JTF-GNO has been absorbed into United States Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM).  So CyberCommand now assumes all the “DoD CERT” responsibilities.  Each unit within each branch of the DoD has slight variations on how incident reporting is handled but many of the major security incidents find their way to USCYBERCOM.
USCYBERCOM is under United States Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM).  According to CJCSI 6510.01F, Information Assurance (IA) and Support to Computer Network Defense (CND) USSTRATCOM commander is to “Coordinate with and support as directed the National Cyber-Response Coordination Group (NCRCG) and U.S.-Computer Emergency Response Team (US-CERT)”.  Combat commanders are to “Conduct network defense crisis action and contingency planning in coordination with United States Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM)”.  So USCYBERCOM has pretty much taken the rols of DoD CERT.
All of the other units and branches of the DoD report to USCYBERCOM via their own “cyber command”:
- Army Cyber Command (ARCYBER) controls Army Network Enterprise Technology Command / 9th Army Signal and And the Army Intelligence and Security Command which controls Army CERT Computer Network Operations. Â ACERT – CNOÂ –
patch for Army Computer Emergency Response Team (ACERT) dod cert The Army website for free virus software is the site for the U.S. Army Computer Emergency Response Team – Computer Network Operations, which can be found at:
https://www.acert.1stiocmd.army.mil You will need your Army Knowledge Online user name and password or your Common Access Card to log on to the site and download fully licensed versions of professional-grade antivirus software at no cost.The site also offers other computer protection software such as anti-spyware programs. – ACERT Facebook page LIKE THEM HERE
- Fleet Cyber Command  – With command of land, sea and air the US Navy Fleet Cyber is probably the most powerful communications military force in the history of mankind!  Their mission ..”Fleet Cyber Command is to serve as central operational authority for
us fleet cyber command dod cert networks, cryptologic/signals intelligence, information operations, cyber, electronic warfare, and space capabilities in support of forces afloat and ashore” –navy.mil. Â Beneath Fleet Cyber is are the following organizations. Â
- Navy Cyber Defense Operations Command – NCDOC probably has the closest thing to a “DoD Cert” type organization.
- Naval Information Operation Commands
- Combined Task Force
- AFNOSC NSD (formerly AFCERT) ??? I am not sure about the Air Force.  Maybe 24th Air Force AFCYBER but I cannot pin it down.  USCYBERCOM.. I am not sure what they are doing..