dod security clearance

dod-security-clearanceDoD security clearance levels? DoD security clearances are issued by some US government agencies, not just the DoD though they do issue most.  DoD security clearances include:

  • Unclassified
    • Official DoD information that falls outside the classification scheme but may still be For Official Use Only
  • Confidential
    • This information/level of access refers to information that would either “cause damage” or be “prejudicial” to national security if released.  It is based on “need to know”.  It requires a reliability check (RS check) which includes checks into marriages, foreign employments, immediate relatives.
  • Secret
    • This is information that would cause “grave damage” to national security if made available to the public.
    • This level of clearance will grant the right to access designated and classified information up to Secret level on a need-to-know basis. Department Heads have the discretion to allow for an individual to access Top Secret-level information without higher-level clearance on a case-to-case basis.
  • Top Secret
    • This refers to information that, if disclosed without authorization, would cause “exceptionally grave damage” to national security.
    • In addition to the checks at the Secret level, foreign travels, assets, and character references must be given. Field check will also be conducted prior to granting the clearance.
    • This level of clearance will grant the right to access all designated and classified information on a need-to-know basis.



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