In typical government fashion, an important change was mentioned years ago and nothing has come of it.  DoD 8570 was supposed to be replaced by DoDD 8140 but it still has not been done yet.  The USAF just released Air Force Manual 33-285, CyberSecurity Workforce Improvement Program, 20 March 2015 and it is based on 8570 and not DoDD 8140.  Why?  Because 8140 does not exist.  Is it in draft?  Is it ever going to exist?  Someone out there knows. If it is not going to be created, then why are so many official sites, documents and policies in the government still mentioning it? “The DoDD 8140 (DoDD 8570.1 replacement) is in staffing (administrative and format correction by the DoD then legal review then for signature by the SecDef or DepSecDef. Tentative completion and release date 1st Qtr. FY 15 . The workforce manuals will stem from the signed DoDD 8140” – US Army CIO/G6 Cyber Security Directorate “DoD Directive 8570.1 provides the basis for an enterprise-wide solution to train, certify, and manage the DoD Information Assurance (IA) workforce. – Will be replaced by DoD Directive 8140, Cyberspace Workforce Management in 2-4 months.” – IA Workforce Improvement Program Update (USAF) “Ensuring initial IA orientation and annual awareness training are available to all authorized users to ensure they know, understand, and can apply the IA requirements of their system(s) in accordance with reference (d) and will eventually be updated with the publishing of the Department of Defense Directive (DoDD) 8140 in May 2014.” – US Marine Corps Enterprise Cyber Security Directive – CyberSecurity Workforce Improvement Program “Lack of Standard DoD CS/ITWF-Related Procedures. DON CIO personnel informed us that the Navy did not comprehensively define the overall CS/ITWF or develop a CS/ITWF personnel database because they were waiting for DoD to issue its guidance. We were told that DoD was drafting Directive 8140.aa, “Cyberspace Workforce Management,†reissuing and renumbering DoD Directive 8570.01, “Information Assurance Training, Certification, and Workforce Management,†updating and expanding policies, and assigning responsibilities for managing the DoD workforce performing cyberspace functions” - Cyberspace/Information Technology Skill Sets for Active Duty Military Personnel at Selected Navy Commands, 19 May 2014