dod 8140
Dod 8140 DoD 8140, Cyberspace workforce will supersede DoD 8570 as the guide for selecting the personnel with the correct certifications, skills and experience. DoDD 8140, Cyberspace workforce has 7 high level categories under a National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE) framework: Security Provision, Maintain and Operate, Protect & Defend, Analyze, operate & collect, Oversight & Development and Investigate. These categories are broken down further into a sum total of 31 tasks.  It was supposed to be released in 2013, but there is actually no telling when it will come out. Security Provision IA Assurance Compliance, Software, Enterprise Architecture, Technology Demonstration, System Requirement Planning, Test & Evaluation, System Development Operate & Maintenance Data Administration, Information System Security Management, Knowledge management, Customer & Tech Support, Network Services, System Administration, Systems Security Analysis Protect & Defend Computer Network Device (CND), Incident Response, CND Infrastructure Support, Security Program Management, Vulnerability Assessment & Management Analyze Cyber Threat Analysis, Exploitation Analysis, All-source Analysis, Targets Operate & collect Collection Operations, Cyber Operational Planning, Cyber Operations Oversight & Development Legal Advice & Advocacy, Strategic Planning & Policy, Education & Training Investigate Investigation, Digital Forensics The categories with the “cyberspace workfore” of DoD 8140 are broken up finer and in more detail than that of the IA Workforce. Also, notice that they have included some fields of IT and engineering that were passed over in the DoD 8570 Chart.  Areas such as Architect and Software Developer have been added. So what Certs do we need..  THAT is the real question.  I am still looking for that.  I have not found it yet.  I guess that is still in draft.  Here is some of what I found: Cybersecurity Workforce Training and Professional Development is led by the Department of Defense (DoD), Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The Component, in coordination with academia, industry, and State, Local, and Tribal governments, will identify the cybersecurity training and professional development required for the nation’s cybersecurity workforce. This team will be broken into four functional areas: Functional Area 1: General IT Use (Co-Leads: DHS, Federal CIO Council) Functional Area 2: IT Infrastructure, Operations, Maintenance, and Information Assurance (Co-Leads: DoD, DHS) Functional Area 3: Domestic Law Enforcement and Counterintelligence (Co-Leads: DOD/DC3; NCIX; DHS/USSS; DoJ) Functional Area 4: Specialized Cybersecurity Operations (Lead: NSA)