DISA Cloud Computing Documents released for comment

disa cloud computing
disa cloud computing

DISA has developed the following DRAFT documents related to Cloud Computing
Security and the use/integration of Cloud Computing in DoD which are available
for community review and feedback/comments:
. Draft Cloud Computing Security Requirements Guide (SRG), Version 1 Release 2
. Draft Cloud Access Point (CAP) Functional Requirements Document (FRD) V2.2
. Draft Concept of Operations (CONOPS) for Cloud Computer Network Defense
(CND) v1

The Draft documents and a Comment Matrix for each (in a .zip file) are
available at:

Please provide comments by [DATE TBD 3 WEEKS after posting] on the Comment
Matrix associated with each document via one unclassified email for each
comment matrix to:

Please Note: It is critical that each comment matrix is returned in a separate
email with the subject line stating “[Your organization] Comments for
[document title]” so we can distribute the comment matrices to the appropriate
team for each document and easily identify the source.

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