ditscap supersedes diacap


DITSCAP supercedes diacap NO
DITSCAP supercedes diacap NO

No.  FALSE!! In fact DIACAP replaced (superseded)  by the DIARMF process.  DIACAP replaced DITSCAP 7 years ago.  Now DIACAP is being replaced.  

So it was the other way around (7 years ago).  DIACAP superseded DITSCAP.  DIACAP was released about November 2007 and at that time was replaced by DIACAP by most of the Department of Defense.

As a system security engineering contractor, I can tell you that MANY organizations clung to DITSCAP for many years after 2007.  Some local government units even made it policy to NOT go to DIACAP.  I think this was out of ignorance or great resistance to change.  The government attracts very conservative, traditionalist that are highly resistant to change.  If you are into doing things faster and smarter and keeping up with the break neck speed of information technology, you will have a frustrating time in the government… ESPECIALLY, if you care.

Since DIACAP is now being replaced (circa 2014), its amazing to me that people still even know what DIACAP is!!   What is more amazing to me is people insisting that, “ditscap supersedes diacap”.  That is so wrong that it makes me speechless.  Its like someone insisting that the sun revolved around the Earth.  I cannot use logic against religious belief.  In some cases, its really just that they don’t know any better and are new to C&A/RMF and so its just a matter of giving a quick look at the history of C&A.

When I meet DITSCAP fundamentalist, I don’t waste ANYTIME debating regulations.  I mean, its written in black and white.   If they are too lazy to pay attentions to 10 years of C&A evolution, there is nothing to talk about.   I have no intention of changing their beliefs.  I just talk directly to the system owner, if it is within my responsibility and authority to do so.

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