Federal cyber workforce Having Issues Getting Workers

courtesy of niccs.us-cert.gov
courtesy of niccs.us-cert.gov

I read an article about the federal government having a hard time hiring and retaining cyber workforce professionals.

Rigid hiring processes and low pay for specialized employees have kept the U.S. government from developing the type of cyber workforce it needs to keep up with growing attacks, according to an independent analysis.  – Washington Post

I have worked for the federal government for many years.  I would definitely agree with that assessment.  And I know why.  The government is slow as hell.  They are slow to adjust to the exponential changes of Information Technology and have trouble competing with the salaries of the commercial world.

The Partnership for Public Service released a report on Tuesday saying the federal government has positioned itself poorly for recruiting cybersecurity personnel at a time when the nation as a whole is already facing a shortage. – Washington Post

Cybersecurity is more important than ever.  As more of our money, our interactions, and lives go online, security becomes more important.

Aside from non-competitive pay and strict hiring practices, other causes of the deficiency include weak talent pipelines and the lack of a government-wide strategy for hiring and retaining talent, according to the group.

If the federal governments wants better talent, they have to get ALL IN.  I think some of their business units get it right.  Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) for example is always trying to go beyond the leading bleeding edge of tech.  DARPA is credited with funding the initial seeds that led to the creation of the Internet.  They have huge visions that seem crazy until they actually do it and change the world.  The federal government has the means to go “DARPA” in every branch of the military.  They do not have the political will.  And that is why they are in the situation they are in.

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