National Cybersecurity Workforce Framework (Workforce Framework) Version 2.0

National Cybersecurity Workforce Framework (Workforce Framework) Version 1 has been replaced with Version 2.0.  The change was for adherence to the OPM Guide to Data Element Standards(link is external).

If you did not know the purpose of the National Cybersecurity Workforce:

The National Cybersecurity Workforce Framework (Workforce Framework) Version 2.0 is the foundation for increasing the size and capability of the US cybersecurity workforce. It can help solve some of the key cybersecurity workforce challenges. The Workforce Framework is a national resource for employers, trainers, and policy makers, providing a common cybersecurity lexicon. Creating uniformity in the field is critical to its organization and development and the Workforce Framework aims to categorize the different types of cybersecurity work.–

“Oversight and Development” of NICE framework version 1 has become “Oversee & Govern” in version 2.  I noticed that version 2 also includes Risk Management type positions listed under Oversee and Govern:

Risk Management – Oversees, evaluates, and supports the documentation, validation, and accreditation processes necessary to ensure new and existing information technology (IT) systems meet the organization’s information assurance (IA) and security requirements. Ensures appropriate treatment of risk, compliance, and monitoring assurance from internal and external perspectives.

Workforce Framework Category Graphic


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