risk assessment reports

Risk Assessment Reports (RAR) also known as the Security Assessment Report (SAR) is an essential part of the DIARMF Authorization Package.  This document can be done at anytime after the system is implemented (DIARMF Process step 3) but must be done during DIARMF step 4, Assess for the risk identification of the system.  The Authorization Package consists of the following (but is not limited to):

authorization package
authorization package
  • System Security Plan (SSP) – “Formal document that provides an overview of the security requirements for the information system and describes the security controls in place or planned for meeting those requirements.”  — NIST SP 800-18.  This document provides over all system characterization and control analysis for the system.  More on Security Plan  – NIST SP 800-18, Guide for Developing Security Plans for Federal Information Systems
  • Plan of Action and Milestone (POA&M pronounced PO’AM) – “A document that identifies tasks needing to be accomplished. It details resources required to accomplish the elements of the plan, any milestones in meeting the tasks, and scheduled completion dates for the milestones.” — NIST SP 800-18.  After the DIARMF Assessment the POA&M is accomplished to address the residual risks that could not be properly mitigated.
  • Risk Assessment Report / Security Assessment Report (RAR/SAR) – “The process of identifying risks to agency operations (including mission, functions, image, or reputation), agency assets, or individuals by determining the probability of occurrence, the resulting impact, and additional security controls that would mitigate this impact.”  — NIST SP 800-18.  Form more see NIST SP 800-30, Guide for Conducting Risk Assessments.
  • Artifacts – Supporting documents that provide evidence that certain security feature and/or programs exist.

NIST SP 800-30, guide on risk assessment, breaks down what should be in a risk assessment report / security assessment report in appendix K, RISK ASSESSMENT REPORTS ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF INFORMATION

The  risk assessment report / security assessment report results provide decision makers (system owners & authorization officers) with some idea of the risks that will be imposed upon the organization, asset, individuals in the organization, associates of the organization and in some cases the Nation.  

The  risk assessment report / security assessment report is broken into three parts:

  1.  Executive Summary (audience Managers)  – the executive summary gives a brief high-level view of the overall risk assessment.  It lists the dates of the risk assessment, summarized the purpose and scope and gives a quick idea of the finding.
  2. Body of the Report (audience Security Practitioners) – fills out the details of the findings.  In addition to detailing the who, what, when, where and how of the risk assessment, it goes int specific information technology issues.  Since it is mentions specific IP addresses and associated vulnerabilities, it must be considered confidential.  The RAR/SAR may describe how vulnerabilities can be exploited and what was done to fix the weakness to limit the risk.
  3. Supporting Appendices – may include actual raw network vulnerability scans.  References & glossary.

    risk assessment report
    risk assessment report

Template of Risk Assessment Report/Security Assessment: Risk assessment report_Example

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