risk management analyst

Risk Management Analyst is a title that in many cases deals explicitly with market shares and stock analysis.

In relation to Information Security and DIARMF, a Risk Management Analyst is an IT security professionals that mitigates the vulnerabilities of on organizations assets, identifies threats and risk of an organization.  Financial organizations are fond of using the term “risk” to describe system security engineering and system security analysts jobs.

Variations of the risk management analyst are:

    • IT Risk Management Analyst
    • Enterprise Risk Management Analyst
    • IT Vendor Risk Management Analyst

The IT Risk Management position is very similar or exactly the same as IT Risk Analyst.

IT Risk Management Analyst Job Description

The IT Risk Management Analyst is responsible for maintaining organizations IT risk management program.  That means the IT Risk Management Analyst must identifying, evaluating and reporting on information technology security risks.

The IT Analyst will work system administrators, project managers and other teams and to implement practices that meet organizational policies, standards and expectations for information risk management.

IT Risk Management Analyst is responsible for advising the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), the IT Leadership, and other key stakeholders. 


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